Leadership Track

Led by Stuart Hall, with 30 years of next-generation leadership experience, our Leadership Track is designed for students AND adult leaders to experience together!

Adults, is there a student you see leadership potential in?

Students, is there an adult you look up to that you want to walk with?


Our desire is for students and adults to pair up and collaborate with each other in a mentoring relationship. The workshop will have main stage speakers challenging each of you to grow in your leadership skills. They will give you the tools to discover your calling and leadership strengths and how to apply them in everyday life! On top of that, they will give you individual time to dive deeper with the adult/student you signed up with.

Option: can be one adult with two or three students.

There are three morning sessions: Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday at 7 AM - 8:30 AM. Each session will build on the other and encourage participants to work together, develop deeper relationships and leadership qualities.

There is no cost to this option, just your time and effort!